Current Issue
2024 Vol.33, Issue 6
Removal of Manganese Ions from the Sulfuric Acid-leached Waste Cathode NCM Lithium-ion Batteries Using Precipitation Method
폐배터리 양극재 침출 용액으로부터 침전법을 이용한 망간 이온 제거 방법
Dipak Sen, Deock Kyu An, Eun Hyeok Kim, Jang Hyun Seo
센디팍, 안덕규, 김은혁, 서장현
Removal of Manganese Ions from the Sulfuric Acid-leached Waste Cathode NCM Lithium-ion Batteries Using Precipitation Method
Study on the Behavior of Chlorine in Cement Kilns for Increasing Alternative Fuel Usage and the Effect of Applying Chlorine Bypass Facilities
대체 연료 사용량 증대를 위한 시멘트 소성로 염소 거동 파악 및 염소 바이패스 설비 적용 효과 연구
Ji Min Jeon, Hae Jeong Hwang, Chun Sik Kim, Woo Teck Kwon, Sea Cheon Oh
전지민, 황해정, 김춘식, 권우택, 오세천
Study on the Behavior of Chlorine in Cement Kilns for Increasing Alternative Fuel Usage and the Effect of Applying Chlorine Bypass Facilities
Prediction of Temperature and Electricity Consumption in Cement Rotary Kiln Using Alternative Fuel
대체연료를 사용하는 시멘트 킬른 온도와 전류 사용량 예측
Yerim Lee, Baasan-Ochir Baljinnyam, Boseon Yoo, Jaesik Choi
이예림, 발진냠바산어치르, 유보선, 최재식
Prediction of Temperature and Electricity Consumption in Cement Rotary Kiln Using Alternative Fuel
A Scale-Up Study on the Recovery of Valuable Metal from Waste Sagger
폐소성용기로부터 유가금속의 회수를 위한 실증 연구
Jung Mi Lee, Jun Seop Lee, Hyo Jin Bae, Young Jun Song
이정미, 이준섭, 배효진, 송영준
A Scale-Up Study on the Recovery of Valuable Metal from Waste Sagger
Research on the Gravity Separation System for the Development of Erdene Sum Tin (Sn) Mineral in Mongolia
몽골 에르덴 솜 주석광 개발을 위한 비중 선별 시스템 연구
Seongmin Kim, Tsogchuluun Davaadorj, Dohyun Jeong, Hoseok Jeon
김성민, DavaadorjTsogchuluun, 정도현, 전호석
Research on the Gravity Separation System for the Development of Erdene Sum Tin (Sn) Mineral in Mongolia
Study on High Concentration Gold Leaching Process Using Hydrochloric Acid System as an Alternative to Aqua Regia
염산계를 이용한 왕수 대체 고농도 금 침출 공정 연구
Ji Young Choi, Sung Cheol Park, Jeong Gon Kim, Seong Ho Son
최지영, 박성철, 김정곤, 손성호
Study on High Concentration Gold Leaching Process Using Hydrochloric Acid System as an Alternative to Aqua Regia
Production of High-Strength Cement Clinker Using Slag-Based Industrial By-Products
슬래그 기반 산업부산물을 활용한 고강도 시멘트 클링커 제조
Tae-hyung Kim, Young-jin Kim, Na-yeong Kim, Jun-hyung Seo, Jin-sang Cho
김태형, 김영진, 김나영, 서준형, 조진상
Production of High-Strength Cement Clinker Using Slag-Based Industrial By-Products
Recovery Characteristics of Graphite Concentrate by Beneficiation Process for Graphite Ores in Korea: Effects of Mineral Composition on Flotation Performance
선광 공정에 의한 국내 흑연광 내 흑연 정광 회수 특성: 부유선별 성능에 대한 광물 구성의 영향
Donghyun Kim, Sunghyun Bae, Hyeona Kang, Seungwook Shin, Junhyeok Park, Yosep Han
김동현, 배성현, 강현아, 신승욱, 박준혁, 한요셉
Recovery Characteristics of Graphite Concentrate by Beneficiation Process for Graphite Ores in Korea: Effects of Mineral Composition on Flotation Performance